Dive the Springs

Ginnie Spring

The Ginnie Spring cavern, also known as The Ballroom, is among the most beautiful in all of Florida. And, unlike the nearby Devil’s Eye cave system, it is open to any certified diver.


Although originally developed as a dive resort in the mid-1970s, divers today account for only a tiny percentage of their visitors. Ginnie Spring can be very, very crowded — especially on weekends and any time from May through October. In fact, Ginnie has begun banning divers on holiday weekends.

Before heading for Ginnie, take the time to read the customer reviews on Google and Yelp. Then decide for yourself whether this is a place you want to go.

If you do elect to dive Ginnie, you are best off coming first thing on a weekday morning, between November and March. This will help you avoid the crowds. Air temperatures can be cool that time of year, but Ginnie does have heated bathhouses and warm showers.